![]() 03/14/2016 at 22:32 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
So after facebooking his name, i saw his mostly unprivate facebook. I cringed at some of it. A college educated male that uses bae and other idiotic words that requires a google to understand.
Anyway, the local news interviewed him. I live in Dayton Oh. So during my limited time of watching the actual news to just see tomorrows weather. They show, “i just wanted to get the mic” Trump rally disrupter.
He stood on the flag for black lives matter. Fine whatever, i just cant stand any single person with enough “testicular fortitude” that does that.
Sorry, i signed that blank check payable up to and including my life on a semi cold November day in 2006. Thats just me. I dont ever see a reason to completely disrespect the nation you live in and can maybe get away with for the mistake that caused this whole issue behind standing on a flag.
I dont quite get what started the standing on a flag. Maybe some of the people who did it dont know the true reason behind it.
My issue is, i went to Iraq in 2007 and left someone I deployed with there. Sure his body returned, but not the living, breathing, person that occupied it for its 20 years.
So when i do see someone doing it, i just want to simultaneously throat punch and knock a few teeth down their throat. Just my personal opinion and belief.
Anyway, back to the Im going on stage at the trump rally. So he claims he wanted the mic. Im sure theres other ways to do it. He claims it was for the mic but id bet thats a story so he didnt look completely retarded on national tv. Im going to say whats been made into a meme “Stop making stupid people famous America”
I hope they at least put him in jail, remind him freedoms are obtained those willing and able.
I dont care how big and strong you are, how tuff your keyboard is. This is my ramt, my opinion, and my belief.
If you dont like it dont comment. I just had to rant before i exploded and drove 10 mins across town to the school he attended and reminded douche canoe your standing on a flag, in a city with quite a large military and/or military supporting community. Along with a large US Air Force base nearby.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 22:35 |
I totally understand.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 22:37 |
I totally understand your sentiments towards jack asses like that.
But do those sentiments also extend to the Trump and destructive effects of his presidency? Just wondering...
(Just to clarify, I’m not angling toward any sort of justification of what that douche nozzle did. I’m just wondering what your views are on people who I believe will not just disrespect, but also greatly jeopardize the country you served to protect.)
![]() 03/14/2016 at 22:43 |
In all honesty, Id rather see a complete re do on this years election. With about all new candidates. Trump is probably going to get elected because he did that youre fired show. Hes a big loud idiot who is using his personal wealth to get into an office that is earned not bought.
I just dont care about anyone in particular this year. Maybe Bernie but ive been busy and havent dug into researching too much into anyone in particula.r
![]() 03/14/2016 at 22:43 |
Why you hating bae
![]() 03/14/2016 at 22:47 |
He has the right to stomp on the flag. Thank you for protecting it for him.
I don’t like it, but hey, his ignorance is his own loss, not yours. And at least most people aren’t like that.
Trump can still choke on rotten watermelons.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 22:50 |
I guess im old fashioned and try to be professional in all my personal and business matters.
Plus when you spend alot time with your grandparents growing up, you kinda pick up on some of their habits and ideas.
Plus some of the people that do business with are friends on facebook. So i try to present a professional image. Also, its just an old habit of mine. And its something the military showed me thats probably stuck with me forever.
Its just me. I went to college and i was one of the few my english teachers actually enjoyed my essays and papers. Partially, because of my mostly correct english and grammar skills.
Plus, bae, i do what i want. The woman cave is the kitchen the man cave is where ever the man currently is. Lol
![]() 03/14/2016 at 22:51 |
On the republican side, I agree they need a do-over. I like the candidates on the democratic side.
I just feel that because of Trump, the rhetoric has become very disgusting and even more irrational than usual this time among the GOP.
I hope Trump doesn’t win the presidency. I think the only way to stop him is to register and vote without fail.
Another important thing: a whole crap ton of senate positions are up for election very soon this year. These are people who have a more direct influence on the laws of the state and counties you live in, than the President. Now’s a good time to register and vote wherever you can.
I hope you vote for anyone but Trump :)
![]() 03/14/2016 at 22:53 |
Technically, there is no right to stand on the nations colors. Its illegal.
The military in me, gets super hulk rage mad inside when i see a picture or video of someone doing. Some do it for an actual reason, others do it for thr chance at limited notoriety.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 22:58 |
What was your MOS?
![]() 03/14/2016 at 22:59 |
Yea, im a registered voter. I just need to do some research and figure out if someones at least worth my vote.
My local congress people are slinging shit. So and so did this, so and so did that. Cant we just take the money meant for negative political ads and use it for something better than elementary school bs.
I guess since i have time tomorrow ill look. Although it won’t be into trump or hillary. Cant stand either one. So ill look elsewhere.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:01 |
I see the Army now.
I was Air Force, my “specialty code” or mos was 2T1, Vehicle Operations.
Or in Army, 88M. I deployed with Army in 07 and 10.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:02 |
Since the flag is not supposed to touch the ground, it’s kind of shakey there.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:02 |
It’s legal.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:04 |
Flag code is kind of its own thing. The Supreme Court ruled a number of years ago that flag desecration is protected under the first amendment.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:07 |
I think there should be a clause to that though, that punching them in the face is just Freedom of Speech, and not assault.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:09 |
Thats good :) You’re putting in effort and making an educated decision.
Unfortunately, the only way campaign finance laws can change is if Bernie gets elected and nominates a Supreme court justice that over turns the Citizen’s United ruling on campaign finance.
I don’t think Hillary would do shit about it. But if its Trump v/s Hillary, I’d definitely pick Hillary. No question.
Even though I think Hillary has a few merits, I think its worth it to vote for her just because it’s a vote against Trump.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:09 |
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:13 |
“I don’t care how tuff your keyboard is.” is a fantastic turn of phrase. I’m going to have to remember that one for the next time I shitpost.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:14 |
Completely agree with you. Anyone who disrespects the flag is disrespecting the men and women who protect this country and therefore are no better than dirt.
I probably sound pessimistic saying this but as a millienal I am impressed by my generation very often.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:23 |
Burning it is legal for ceremonious reasons yes.
Section 8, is for respect of the flag. Sure it might be legal, but only because someone got a judge to believe its against the right lf free speech. But as an American, you shouldnt do it.
The minute you stand or willingly burn an American flag(for reasons beyond the permanent retiring of the flag from damage) makes you the same as what every country wants America to be. NOTHING.
Standing on the flag, because some kid got shot because he chose not to listen to police commands. He chose not to listen to a command issued by an officer. If his hands were in the air, the cop would have had zero reason.
Now, the kid that got choked out, and the onethat was shot on video in the back. Thats different. The guy shot in Walmart, well walking around walmart carrying a toy gun. Thats probably whoevers fault who called the cops.
People in America believe whatever they see. Oh thats an assault rifle in walmart? Let me call the Beavercreek cops who are fucking tools who abuse their authority. (Again i live in dayton and have first hand exp, with cops who think theyre god)
I could tell you a story about Beavercreek Police, but its offtopic.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:27 |
Im a millienal also, born in 1986.
Doesnt mean you have to act like you forgot what you used to get your hand smacked for or even a good ole fashioned ass whooping.
I just choose to present the best image of myself that i can, at least until alcohol gets involved. Then that professionalism shit disappears. Lol
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:35 |
I guess 51% is technically “mostly correct.”
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:39 |
See the army now?
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:40 |
Nope, 70% medically retirement.
I left in 2011. I gave the military 5 years and 29 days. I would have given more but medical issues prevented that.
![]() 03/14/2016 at 23:43 |
Exactly what I was thinking.
![]() 03/15/2016 at 00:36 |
....and Katsumoto, the original poster, has the right to be angry about it.
Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you should.
Example: the Ferguson protestors who laid down in roadways blocking traffic. Piss off average commuters who just may have been sympathetic to you cause. Brilliant.
![]() 03/15/2016 at 00:37 |
10 years Air Force; 4 active 6 ANG. I’m with you.
![]() 03/15/2016 at 06:23 |
100% with you. That flag means so much more than most people know, and much more than most politicians can understand.
What a shame more people aren't upset. But I guess with our government giving it a bad name, some people can't see it.
![]() 03/15/2016 at 08:05 |
I totally meant I say embarrassed not impressed. Not sure if that changes your comment at all.
![]() 03/15/2016 at 08:05 |
![]() 03/15/2016 at 12:12 |
Not really. I think it still applies.